26th January 2014
It has been most enjoyable to be back in harness again after having been ill for a couple of months at the end of the year. I have really enjoyed this chapter which has enabled me to enjoy staying warm inside working away while the weather did its worst outside.
Machine wrapped cords
First, I tried some simple cords, formed from several strands of wool or knitting cotton.
3.5.1. machine stitched cords
Next I tried some more unusual things to wrap.
3.5.2 more machine stitched cords
Twisted cords
This was fun to do, although my husband got a bit fed up of having to hold the end steady, particularly when I got in the way of the rugby on TV while twisting the cords!
3.5.3 twisted cords
Knotted cords
It took me a bit of time to get my head around some of these, and I must admit, some turned out rather short since I found it difficult to estimate how much yarn was needed for the knotting.
3.5.4 knotted cords
It took a few tries to get the turk’s head knot right, but eventually I managed it, even though it was just a tiny sample.
3.5.5 turk’s head knot
Plaited cords
This took me back to my childhood when my grandmother would sit and plait my waist-length hair. I loved the effect of stranding a string of beads through the plait. I must look in charity shops for some old beads as I loved this look.
3.5.6 plaited cords
Wrapped cords
3.5.7 wrapped cords